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Résultats de recherche
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Advance directives: empowering congregations to hear and speak plainly about end-of-life issues
1 de 10
Responses of leaders toward health principles advocated by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church
2 de 10
Cross-cultural service-learning: a public theology approach
3 de 10
The impact of the Korean cultural schools on second-generation Korean-American youth in three Korean-American churches
4 de 10
Deliver us from evil: healing lessons acquired in recovering from the sexual assault of my child as pastor to the accused
5 de 10
An infertile pastor looks at infertility
6 de 10
The MELS model for continuing education: preachers taking responsibility for learning
7 de 10
The hidden made clearer: reflections on a Bible study
8 de 10
Imagining resources in pediatric bereavement counseling: creating rituals and effective institutional change
9 de 10
And the Lord heard my cry: revealing chemical dependency in the treatment of domestic violence
10 de 10