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Résultats de recherche
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Empowering congregational lay leaders for vital ministry: oversoming the obstacles
1 de 10
The development of an intentional multicultural Christian community in northwest Indiana
2 de 10
Forgiving others: preaching for the people of the First Congregational Church of Falmouth, Massachusetts of the United Church of Christ
3 de 10
Recovering prayer as a healing aspect in contemporary ministry
4 de 10
An ever-present hope: pastoral care to hospitalized children with life-threatening illnesses
5 de 10
Contemplative practice in clinical pastoral education: deepening and enhancing pastoral reflection
6 de 10
The gift of anger in grieving: a cross cultural journey towards freedom
7 de 10
From downsizing to depth: one chaplain's 'call' to becoming 'more'
8 de 10
The pulpit and the pews come together: transformative imagery and collaborative preaching at West Des Moines Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
9 de 10
Conflict: techniques to manage and resolve it in the church
10 de 10