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Résultats de recherche
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Spiritual discernment for Christian mystical experience: contribution of Ken Wilber
1 de 10
Speaking faith in public space
2 de 10
Meeting for worship for healing: a contemplative healing service after the manner of the religious Society of Friends
3 de 10
The white face of theological education: a case study of movement to anti-racist, multicultural theological education
4 de 10
Preaching as incarnational evocation: experiential narrative as embodying witness to the active presence of the divine in human life
5 de 10
From stillness to speech: terrifying truths from incarnational interpretation and proclamation
6 de 10
Interpreting pastoral psychology to the Evangelical Covenant Church: a hermeneutical enterprise
7 de 10
Praying the scriptures: one church's Lenten experience
8 de 10
A church in service to the community: through preaching self-worth, self-esteem and self-identity
9 de 10
A time to laugh and a time to weep: reflections on ministry to new mothers
10 de 10