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Résultats de recherche
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Preaching to the immigrants
1 de 10
Personal transformation toward global awareness: a training model for cross-cultural mission and ministry
2 de 10
Becoming a spiritual director for the homosexuality oriented candidate for the priesthood in the Roman Catholic tradition of celibacy
3 de 10
Health care with a divine message: equipping Christian nurses for spiritual care
4 de 10
Being a newly ordained priest: a process of inclusion and belonging
5 de 10
The lesser half?: moving from brokenness to wholeness
6 de 10
A pastor's journey toward self-definition: sharing expectations, goals and hopes with the congregation through preaching
7 de 10
Discovering and communicating pastoral identity through preaching
8 de 10
From house church to mega church: a case study of the Apostolic Church of God
9 de 10
Reclaiming the pastoral in pastoral care: the process of divorce and reconiliation
10 de 10