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The incarnation in missiological education: some proposals for an Australian curriculum
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Some guidelines for the use of music in the black church
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Initiating a cooperative ministry to the residents of Mission Towers by the neighboring churches in Topeka, Kansas
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Implementing a holistic ministry in a local Church of the Nazarene
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A program for the formation of a singles group at First Christian Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
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Developing and implementing a strategy for contextual mission in West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania
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How the contemplative approach to spiritual direction aids women religious in dealing with depression
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Transforming stereotyped perceptions held in the developed world toward the materially poor in the third world through education
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The shape of textual content or playing the hermeneutical game (ephesians, colossians, philemon)
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A practical program for enriching marital relationships in the Evangelical Formosan Church
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