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In covenant with God and each other: Clergy couples theologize their callings in the itinerant system
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Developing worship enrichment through congregational song at Ramapo Valley Baptist Church, Oakland, New Jersey
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Will pastors benefit from a workshop based on the insights of those who have experienced a forced exit?
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A pastor led training program to promote parental effectiveness among parents of adolescents
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Shalom: a journey toward peace character formation in African-American children
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Using extended family dynamics to grow the Nigerian church
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Equipping young married adult members of Fifth Avenue Baptist Church to conduct small group ministry
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What we have seen and heard and touched: embodiment of the word in women as preachers
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Confirmation education for a post modern church: using multiple intelligence theory in confirmation education
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The role of faith healing and traditional herbal medicine in the healing ministry: Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG)
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