Deepening a Sense of Belonging: Making Space for Religiously Unaffiliated Employees in Jesuit Higher Education
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Religious Women as Global Migrants to the United States: Critical Conversations about Spirituality, Mental Health, and Vocational Identity
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The Fellowship Movement and the Empowerment of Women: Growing Universalism and Unitarianism in 20th Century Lakeland, Florida
3 of 10
Adab and Artistry: Shaping the Future of African American Muslim Boys
4 of 10
Paul Tillich and Barnett Newman: “An Imaginative Dialogue in the Theology Of Art”
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Accompanying the Birth of a Mestizo Church: Toward a Holistic Integration of Latino Catholic Migrants into the Fabric of Parish Life in Contemporary Spain
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The Leadership Development Road Trip: Navigating Complexity, Harnessing Mentorship, and Embracing Shared Leadership on the Journey of Growing Young Leaders at Trinity Streetsville
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Apophatic Preaching: Evoking the Nothing, Subverting the Idolatrous Mind
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Leadership and the Incarnation: Reflections on Cross-Cultural Marketplace Mission and the Role of the Church
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Preaching Peace in a Culturally and Politically Divided Context: Church Mediating Peace in Cameroon