Competency-based assessment for ministerial authorization in the United Church of Christ : a model for implementation
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Grappling with grace : an illumination of the degree to which theory and praxis agree in the matter of grace in the African American Pentecostal Holiness tradition
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The constructing of a contemporary corrections ethic in the tradition of social contract theory : an extrapolation from the work of political philosopher John Rawls
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Coming home : inward discovery for outward living after long-term incarceration; Howard Thurman's notion of community, religious experience, and the inner-life as tools for freedom and wholeness
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Are we there? : journeys of faith and the role of racialized trauma in individuals who identify as religiously unaffiliated
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Paying attention : comparison of desired characteristics of ministerial leadership in the United Church of Christ
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Rehearsing resurrection by practicing what we proclaim
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In their own words : stories of healing and practices for the church
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Gentleness in pastoral care as a way of bringing healing to congregations within a culture of harshness