'I found God in myself and loved her fiercely': women's identity and CPE supervision
2 of 10
Creating a circle of light: enhancing spiritual vigor in the local church by experimenting with guided imagery meditation on scripture
3 of 10
Completing the task of seminary pastoral formation: the trasition from seminary to parish
4 of 10
Women and transformation: small group ministry in the local church
5 of 10
Recovering the vision of the church as a healing community: suggestions for the Indian context from the Christian Medical College and Hospital in Vellore
6 of 10
Indirect teaching: ministering in a lay-led Bible study group
7 of 10
Music leadership for a global people
8 of 10
Educating for intergenerational understanding
9 of 10
Utilizing an experimental workshop to raise pastoral consciousness of addictive systems theory and implications for ministry