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Relief and development curriculum in the context of theological education
1 of 10
A program for improving conflict management in North Richmond Alliance Church
2 of 10
A case study of link care center to examine and evaluate their program . . . which may be used to care for ministry personnel in Canada
3 of 10
Preparing laity in smaller churches for service in their church
4 of 10
Christian conversion and faith development among Vietnamese immigrants: a case study
5 of 10
Perceptions of the pastor-as-leader in selected churches of the Canadian Midwest District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance
6 of 10
The 'understanding series': a pastoral care educational program designed to help elders, ministers, and members. . .
7 of 10
Perceptions of the impact on spiritual formation of a course on two spiritual disciplines. . .
8 of 10
Characteristics of financial contributors to a denominational missions program in Morden, Manitoba
9 of 10
One church many congregations: a case study of the perception of pastors and laypersons of the unity among the churches. . .
10 of 10