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Developing a new form of therapy: Biblical narrative therapy
1 of 10
Anti-racism work in a queer context: a curriculum for healthy discussion on racism in local communities of the metropolitan community churches
2 of 10
Building bridges and creating kindred communities: the healing of the African American and Jewish communities
3 of 10
'Talitha cum' and the hemorrhaging woman as models of ecclesial liberation in the age of HIV/AIDS in an African American context
4 of 10
Rattling the bones of Richard Allen: the case and effort for traditional Black Church revitalization at historic Saint James African Methodist Episcopal Church, Sanford, Florida
5 of 10
The Eucharist: a relevant guide to Christian living for converging communities of faith and discipleship in Jesus Christ
6 of 10
Finding God again
7 of 10
Support group and pilot project for migrating Jamaican middle-class mothers who have problems with their families
8 of 10
Beyond the erroneous assumption: Tikkun nefesh (healing the soul) from a Jewish perspective
9 of 10
Myth, ritual and symbol in natural disasters and disaster management
10 of 10