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1 - 10 von 101
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The effectiveness of small urban churches a testimony of one congregation's journey
1 of 10
Hopewell world view and dynamics of congregational grief
2 of 10
A faithful shepherd looking for lost sheep
3 of 10
'Keep us steadfast': Luther's catechism as a foundation for midweek Lenten worship
4 of 10
Preaching from the Old Testament: some biblical, theoretical reflections and holiletic practice
5 of 10
Preaching in context: a phrophetic call to churches in Botswana
6 of 10
A study of spirituality and elders
7 of 10
A survey of the Maneromango Bible School as a training institution for church ministers
8 of 10
Liturgical cathechesis: a contribution to the faith formation of the participant
9 of 10
Improving the quality of life in old age: a Christian view in modern Japanese context
10 of 10