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Pastoring Evolving Faiths: Faith Deconstruction and Reconstruction in a Post-Evangelical Church
1 of 10
Welcoming People With Serious Mental Illness Into the Body of Christ
2 of 10
Community Backyard Relationship-Building: A Partnership between the Church, Government, and Local Stakeholders
3 of 10
How Fostering Spiritual Practice Builds Spiritual Confidence
4 of 10
Through a glass brightly: a Franciscan way of beauty into action
5 of 10
Connecting the extreme poor and the financially secure
6 of 10
Don't lose your head; why leaders of independent Episcopal schools leave, and what we can to to keep them
7 of 10
A budding young adult ministry: tending God's garden at Washington National Cathedral
8 of 10
Intrapersonal intelligence mediated by self-reflective adaptive practice that manages anxiety: learning to lead by giving space
9 of 10
That's so '70s: making feminist hermeneutics relevant for the 21st-century adolescent
10 of 10