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Enhancing Topical Preaching Skills at New Harmony Baptist Church, Benton, Kentucky, to Increase Congregational Understanding of Discipleship's Doctrinal Foundations
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Equipping Selected Adults at Olivet Baptist Church, Paducah, Kentucky, with Team Ministry Leadership Skills
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Hollering Theology: Exploring liberation theology in Central Appalachia and its power to transform students at the University of Pikeville
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Assessing the Effectiveness of Training in Spiritual Leadership Theory on Nurse Manager Spiritual Well-Being, Job Satisfaction, and Burnout
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The Art of Finding Home: Creative Pilgrimage and Placemaking at Immanuel Baptist Church, Paducah, KY
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Developing a young adult evangelism strategy for Lewisport Baptist Church, Lewisport, Kentucky
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The significance of the Asbury revival of 1970 for some aspects of the spiritual lives of the participants
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