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The black initiative: a practical model for ministry with at-risk black males in the 21st century
1 of 10
The emotional effect of hospital ministry on male chaplains
2 of 10
Preaching: the naming and claiming of sacred space
3 of 10
Preaching in concentric circles: a strategy for preaching multimedia sermons
4 of 10
A new model for a new millennium: balancing the authority of the congregation with the authority of the preacher
5 of 10
Relationship with God: wrestling, surrender, congruence
6 of 10
Shame and forgiveness in the clinical pastoral education process
7 of 10
The soul of askesis: asceticism in pastoral psychotherapy
8 of 10
Failure to thrive: discovering and removing the barriers to church growth
9 of 10
The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola: re-visioning the first week
10 of 10