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An encounter between Andean folktale values and biblical values: method and meaning
1 of 10
Building Resilience in Korean Canadian Leaders at Non-Profit Organizations in Toronto
2 of 10
Gender Dysphoria And The Question Of Membership In The Local Church
3 of 10
FOOD, FAITH, AND FILM: Cultivating a spirituality of Hospitality in a Presbyterian Congregation.
4 of 10
Acting Justly: The Relationship Between Religion And Social Justice For Students At Lafayette College
5 of 10
Open Wound, Open Table: A Theological Exploration Of Holy Communion As Practiced By The Border Church/La Iglesia Fronteriza
6 of 10
A Phenomenology of Authentic Leadership
7 of 10
Toward the Spirituality of Oneness: A Remedy to the Attitude of 'We versus They,' A Case of the Turkana and Pokot Communities in Lodwar and Kitale Catholic Dioceses, Kenya
8 of 10
Return to an Ethnic of Being: Recovering the Identity of the Church by Adherence to a Biblical Version of Virtue Ethics
9 of 10
A Christian world view of economics
10 of 10