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Proclaiming the kingship of Jesus : how pastors proclaim the gospel of the kingdom in a culture awash in pluralism
1 of 10
The role of an ecclesiastical network leader in a secular age : exploring missional leadership of transgenerational churches that reach dechurched and unchurched people with the gospel of Jesus Christ
2 of 10
A picture set us free : preaching to the imagination in a secular age
3 of 10
Christian nationalism and the church : restoring the primacy of Christian identity
4 of 10
Walking the Way Together: Rural Clergy Discipleship in Community
5 of 10
Qualitative research on the causes of burnout among North American Chinese Evangelical Free Churches pastors
6 of 10
A faithful shepherd looking for lost sheep
7 of 10
The meaning of risk for pastors in church development and redevelopment settings
8 of 10
'As goes the seminary...': how seminaries are intentionally producing spiritually alive pastors
9 of 10
The impact of verbal faith-sharing within the evangelism curriculum on alumni/ae serving in full-time pastoral appointments
10 of 10