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Unmasking consumerism for the practice of relational discipleship within the contemporary American cultural context
1 of 10
Intentional Christians in a consumptive society
2 of 10
A case for the local church applying a CRM framework to create a customer-centric approach to meeting the needs of corporate leaders in their communities
3 of 10
A critique of polycentric churches that are racially homogeneous
4 of 10
Facing the giant: preacher, take up your slingshot: preaching and consumer culture
5 of 10
Cultivating Christian identity in consumer culture
6 of 10
The impact of images in consumer culture on the identity of women
7 of 10
Sabbath practice as a resistance to consumerism: a Lentan experiment in congregational Sabbath practice
8 of 10
Free agency in the church and its impact upon spiritual formation
9 of 10
Worship for sale: is consumerism changing lay attitudes about worship?
10 of 10