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To produce a handbook on providing compassionate care to end of life patients of Chinese ethnic origin and their families
1 of 10
Developing a therapy handbook in marriage and family counseling for Sewell Mill Baptist Church, Marietta, Georgia
2 of 10
A training manuel on pastoral character formation based on 2 Timothy 1-2
3 of 10
An inductive Bible study training program for Christian adults at the EF Church of Clear Lake, Iowa utilizing Leadership Resources International TNT Dig-and-Discover hermeneutical principles
4 of 10
Organized creativity: the process of creating a gift-oriented volunteer ministry position descriptions manual for New Life Assembly of God in Ellendale, North Dakota
5 of 10
Recommendations for a field ministries handbook for pioneer Bible translators
6 of 10
Impacting emotional well-being: small group experience at Northplace Church in Sachse, Texas
7 of 10
Pastor as Chief Evangelical Officer (CEO): strategic leadership and administration: a workbook for church leaders
8 of 10
A manual to help house church leaders in China understand and teach the biblical doctrine
9 of 10
A training manual in biblical pre-marital and marriage counseling for Russian ministers of the Sverdlowskaya Oblast
10 of 10