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The Christian church and Jungian analytical psychology
1 of 10
The task of pastoral planning in the Roman Catholic Church today: creating abundance in a time of scarcity
2 of 10
The Belmont model: an experiment in congregational renewal
3 of 10
Bridge building: the minister in a cross-cultural transition bonds with the indigenous people and their gifts
4 of 10
'The spiritual adventure' as one response to police stress
5 of 10
Apologia for a ritual guide for Reform Jews
6 of 10
Putting it to bed: the healing and reconciliation of incest
7 of 10
Environment and formation in the St. Francis Xavier Mission Society
8 of 10
Watching dog no more: the immigrant Taiwanese church responds to older Taiwanese adults in America
9 of 10
Bilingual preaching for identity and unity in the Korean-American church
10 of 10