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Walk with God: a relational model
1 of 10
Sacramental preaching
2 of 10
Training church planters in the former Soviet Union
3 of 10
We pray to the Lord: a case study of general intercessions of Ascension Parish
4 of 10
Effective preachers past and present in the Episcopal Church
5 of 10
Spiritual gifts: a realized empowerment for Christian ministry at St James Community Baptist Church
6 of 10
Listening to the edges: making the word accessible
7 of 10
In search of shared, transcendent vision: a multiple case study of three churches in the Louisiana Conference of the United Methodist Church
8 of 10
The effect of silence, solitude and meditation on spiritual well-being: resulting from a mentoring process
9 of 10
Selected ministry factors that may contribute to the interracial status of Dothan Community Church: a case study
10 of 10