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The impact of an eight-week divorce recovery workshop upon the well-being of men and women going [through] the process of separation an[d] divorce
1 of 10
Establishing a pastoral care ministry for Haymarket Center
2 of 10
Mark as the basis for conflict resolution in a local church
3 of 10
An orientation workshop on spiritual direction relationships for leaders of Church of the Open Door, Crystal, MN
4 of 10
The silent canon: biblical materials not included in the lectionary
5 of 10
Equipping the small rural congregation for a ministry of discipleship inside the church and outside the church
6 of 10
A view from the other side: life in community for spouses of seminarians
7 of 10
Postmodern homiletics and authority in the African American preaching tradition
8 of 10
From privatism to praxis: communitarian theology as a contextual approach to spiritual transformation
9 of 10
W.E.S.T. [worship, evangelism, Sunday School team]: developing a comprehensive outreach model for the West Haven Baptist Church, Knoxville, Tennessee
10 of 10