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Spiritual leadership: guiding an organization through transformation
1 of 10
The words we hear: listening to sermons from a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered perspective
2 of 10
Encouraging and healing: a pastoral psychotherapy of a survivor of torture and war
3 of 10
One pastor's attempt to balance family life in a small church
4 of 10
Healing low-church esteem: emancipating worship
5 of 10
When the tradition becomes toxic: the effect of a rigid belief system on the development of a cohesive self
6 of 10
Bringing an Asian-American perspective on CPE supervision into a multicultural CPE center
7 of 10
Establishing new bonds: a new vision for the first and second generation Korean-American Church
8 of 10
Enhancing self-esteem through the worship: an experiment
9 of 10
Implementing a community-based model for youth ministry
10 of 10