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Cross-cultural healing: utilizing Ghanian symbols and images in a medical setting
1 of 10
Creating spiritual growth groups in Unitarian Universalist congregations
2 of 10
Martin Buber's 'healing dialogue' in marital therapy: a case study
3 of 10
Words that burn: Jonathan Edwards, visual images and an object relations psychology for preaching
4 of 10
Dark night, the other side of trauma: the chaplain as mother of the patient
5 of 10
The praxis movement: from declining to ecclesiogenesis
6 of 10
Spiritual care of elders in nursing homes: vital lessons for pastors and congregations
7 of 10
Preaching what we practice: a personal practice for spiritual formation in community
8 of 10
Incorporating visual images within the homiletic context
9 of 10
The work of the people: from silence to faithful proclamation
10 of 10