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Youth ministry across cultures and religious traditions: a Catholic approach
1 of 10
Hearing and telling the stories of healing: from restitution and chaos to testimony of quest
2 of 10
Women's process of reconnecting with feminist eros
3 of 10
Enhancing self-esteem in violence victims in an Appalachia resident shelter: a volunteer's reflection of the person-centered approach
4 of 10
A people becoming: toward Communal-Celebrative style
5 of 10
A pastor's experience with preparing couples for marriage: problems and promise
6 of 10
The response of the suburban church to the women of divorce
7 of 10
From broken heart to mended heart: healing through Jungian dreamwork
8 of 10
Addressing brokenness: one hospital chaplain's crisis intervention with African-American male survivors of violence
9 of 10
Moving toward intimacy: a group ministry model for college students from divorced family backgrounds
10 of 10