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An example of excellence: Rock Church, a bi-racial congregation
1 of 10
'Do this in memory of me': incorporating feminist insights into a day on the Eucharist
2 of 10
Reconstructing religious education: a model of challenge in applying the feminist critique to the teaching of religion
3 of 10
'More roles, plase': a study of characterization in the liberal pulpit
4 of 10
The minister's marriage and faith committment in the United Church of Christ
5 of 10
Out of practice: a feminist exploration
6 of 10
'Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil' (Eccl. 4:9): an intentional mentoring project for new pastors
7 of 10
'Joys and concerns' as a worship ritual
8 of 10
Wesleyan accountability: perceptions of a contemporary model of John Wesley's class meeting
9 of 10
Clergy burnout: kindling the fires
10 of 10